Empire State Building CrashWelcome to randomFAQ! Our Random Fact generator will add another random fact or frequently asked question from our massive database every day. Using the HTML code provided on the right side of each page, you can display a specific or random FAQ, or the latest fact of the day, on your website, blog, or MySpace profile. Just choose which fact to display, and any color to match your site. Please enjoy the unlimited use of this free service! |
Fact of the Day More Information In trying to fly to Newark Airport (west of NYC), a B-52 bomber was contacted by Laguardia Airport (east of NYC) and told to land due to the thick fog. After stubbornly moving on, the dispatcher is rumored to say that the fog was so thick that he couldn't see the top of the Empire State Building.
He was eventually given a military OK to fly as a last resort. In the center of the dense fog he lowered to find some clarity and found himself in the center of a multitude of skyscrapers. He could no longer meander through and finally ceased flight in the 79th floor of the Empire State Building. Parts of the plane (an engine) went completely through and out the other side of the building. The other found the elevator shaft, knocked the elevator into a free fall and then caused a fire from the basement up [source]. As we all know, the building still stands strong. View All Facts View Images View Maps Blog