Duct or Duck TapeWelcome to randomFAQ! Our Random Fact generator will add another random fact or frequently asked question from our massive database every day. Using the HTML code provided on the right side of each page, you can display a specific or random FAQ, or the latest fact of the day, on your website, blog, or MySpace profile. Just choose which fact to display, and any color to match your site. Please enjoy the unlimited use of this free service! |
Fact of the Day More Information First made by the Johnson & Johnson company for American troops during World War II, the tape was used to patch up holds in ammunition containers. The waterproofing qualities of the tape are what gave it the name duck tape. Like a ducks feathers, water rolls right off the tape. The soldiers soon found out that they could use it on all sorts of things in the battlefields. Once the soldiers brought the tape back to the American mainland, people started using them around the house as a cure-all. This is when the color changed from army green to duct color, chrome. The 1950s saw almost everyone using duct tape to repair air vents and the other mechanics of the home.
Both names can be used interchangeably today, and the stuff is only really popular in the US. View All Facts View Images View Maps Blog