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Fact of the Day More Information The sun pulsates like the lungs of a breathing animal. The entire celestial object appears to be a superheated lake of molten goo. Flares, or bursts of flames, are propelled millions of miles from the sun periodically. These flame-throwing expulsions are so intense that their after effects are felt here on earth. Like this planet, the sun is also governed by gravity and magnetism. Charged and powerful solar flares reach our vicinity and create things like the aurora borealis. What is actually happening is the rattling of the earth's magnetic field by way of solar discharges. Once the precious magnetism (holding everything we know the way it is) is disturbed, fluctuations in weather patterns are felt around the world. [source]
Solar flares are also taking out anger on the newly launched satellites that are orbiting us. When the reach our area of space, the flares have to break through the thousands of satellites shielding the planet; most of the time the dishes take the brunt of the force and get knocked off course. View All Facts View Images View Maps Blog