Barber & Barber PollWelcome to randomFAQ! Our Random Fact generator will add another random fact or frequently asked question from our massive database every day. Using the HTML code provided on the right side of each page, you can display a specific or random FAQ, or the latest fact of the day, on your website, blog, or MySpace profile. Just choose which fact to display, and any color to match your site. Please enjoy the unlimited use of this free service! |
Fact of the Day More Information For example, the red and white on a barber poll represent blood and bones. In reality the profession was less morbid then this makes it seem. Besides getting your hair cut or your face shaved, some people use to go to the barber because he had the tools to let and set. People used to have some blood let out in order to cure what ailed them. Also, if you broke a bone or something the barber had the means to set bones to their normal arrangement (i.e. a broken nose). It is also said that barbers have performed surgery.
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