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Mad Scientists on Mad Cow

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What scientists have done is remove the key protein (more specifically prion) that would absorb the disease and infect the cow. Scientists have directly injected the genetically engineered calves with Mad Cow Disease. It might take a good year or so to know for sure if this breed is immune.
So, why do this? Instead of feeding cows on the land and earth, cows are being fed other cows (and other animals) mixed into their feed (the cheap leftover parts: i.e. brains). This is where you get diseases like Mad Cow. These new cows should theoretically be able to eat cows in some breeding ground somewhere (probably indoors) without generating Mad Cow. Many are opposed to this type of culturing and treatment. Undoubtedly, this is unnatural. Cows, at this point, are unavoidably eaten by humans on a regular basis. What I believe is that cows should be allowed to live before they die. Let cows roam free for their mental state and therefore their overall health. A cow will then only be taken from his natural state late in life (besides the veal issue). Mentally healthy cows will eat healthy and not develop internal problems from the stress that comes with living in a dirty cow cubicle until maturity (a.k.a. slaughter). Eating animals is most likely impossible to stop and in most cases more beneficial to humans than a vegan menu.
Best of all, the scientists involved are "mystified" by prions: meaning that they are delving deep into an area of science that is vaguely understood.


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