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Refined Russian Oil

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Four legs were towed to a spot 4 miles east of the northern part of Sakhalin Island (white dot on map). These are specially designed to withstand the cruising icebergs and freezing waters. The structure mounted atop the legs, housing the workers and the drill, stands about as tall as a 20-story building. In between the legs and the structure lies an engineering marvel. Massive 360 degree shocks let the entire structure sway and shake about without causing any damage. This was a required feat being as the rig sits on a very hot bed of activity: fault lines. It is able to withstand earthquakes and a Siberian climate, and there is still more innovation inside.
Under normal conditions, oil rigs are open to the breeze in order to ventilate the many unwanted gases unearthed when drilling. With this in mind, the structure was subdivided accordingly within. One side houses the human element, and the other the machinery. Between the two sections is a wall able to control the force of an explosion and allow the staff to remain unharmed. Made out of steel, the wall is constructed to flex and bend from the force.
The island of Sakhalin houses an industrial landscape including a pipe line from the south tip to the coast near the oil rig. This pipeline is routed as so because the water south of the island does not freeze like the water the rig sits in. As a former exile for Russian prisoners the island had very few inhabitants at the time of industrial establishment.
Assembled by Samsung in Korea and floated to it's locale, the structure is now complete.


Fact of the Day, "Blue-Eyed Family"

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