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Fact of the Day More Information In Utah, communities of polygamists practice their beliefs, some of which double as crimes under United States law. Although unwritten, it is customary for a father to initiate his daughter(s) into womanhood. Entire communities are brainwashed into thinking that all of the human sacrifices needed to culture polygamy are rightfully sacrificed, unlike having a choice. The Tapestry Against Polygamy was formed by former wives of polygamists who eventually realized that they shouldn't be afraid to leave the commune. Children are brought up in a household where everybody seems like they have 1000 things on their mind but lack the personal jurisdiction to relieve themselves of their curiosities. These people are intrinsically lost in a world of unnatural rules they seemingly choose to believe in; each with a personal hell more disturbing than then last.
The men of such a community may have a different outlook on this life, but then again, they have to also deal with the downside of more than one wife: balled up jealousy.
The law has looked the other way because the issue of legal polygamy is still under debate. They do not know if they are doing anything wrong with having more than one wife if all parties are consensual. What they have failed to notice are the children who don't know anything other than what their confused parents tell them. View All Facts View Images View Maps Blog